
Deine Lieblingsfarbe oder Größe ist ausverkauft? Kein Problem! Wir haben unsere Bestellung bereits in Portugal abgegeben und warten sehnsüchtig auf die neue flauschige Lieferung. Melde dich jetzt a...
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Bäumepflanzen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft
Wir erschaffen neue Ressourcen, indem wir 2 Bäume für jede Kushel Bestellung pflanzen. Bäume speichern während ihrer Lebensdauer eine beträchtliche Menge an Kohlendioxid, erzeugen Sauerstoff und he...
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Upcycling Art Vernissage: Kushel Kunst Kollektion
Kushel Kunst ab 80€ +Green Friday Sale Kein Eintritt Freitag & SamstagVon 11.00 – 18.00 Uhr @THE SPACE, Ballindamm 7, 20095 Hamburg Eine zweite Chance für aussortierte Handtücher! Zu...
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We at Kushel prove that consumption can also have a positive impact - because we give more back to the environment with our products than we consume in production. To make our positive impact even ...
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Why every tree helps us gain time
We have been planting trees since we were founded three years ago. Why do we do this? The production of Kushel is already very environmentally friendly, as well as climate and groundwater neutral ...
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Under the blanket: With the Michalkis
Three lovebirds: Saskia, Lui and Marcin are our ambassadors for infinite love. As a group of three, they provide us with the proof that love only becomes one thing when it is shared: more! Saskia i...
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Under the blanket with Phil and Phil
Gay couple and rainbow dads: Phil and Phil are our ambassadors for love, cuddling and good humour. Blondie and Brownie - those are their nicknames - live in Hanover and have been snuggled up in our...
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Upcycling Art: Kushel x Schaffenslust
FROM A FLUFFY TOWEL TO FLASHY ART A second chance for discarded towels:Because no towel deserves to be thrown away. Together with the artist "Schaffenslust" from Hamburg, we are giving our re...
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A high-quality cuddly blanket accompanies you your whole life and should not be missing on your couch: Because cuddling simply puts you in a good mood - whether as a couple, a trio or alone. @pipp...
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Cosy Company: Interior Edition
Carpets made from PET bottles? Bedspreads made from eucalyptus? Sustainable hammocks and wall clocks that improve the world? Something is happening in the field of interior products. Here we want t...
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